内橋和久&吉田達也 / 超即興3 MGCDV-01 magaibutsu Limited 税込¥2500 2009/6/13発売
内橋吉田の「超即興」第3弾!奔流のように音楽が溢れ出す驚愕の超即興デュオ・ 内橋和久&吉田達也の磨崖仏からの第3弾は07年と08年の ライブを収録したDVD(112分)とCD(77分)の2枚組。Third release of the amazing improvising duo of Uchihashi Kazuhisa and Yoshida Tatsuya is a DVD+CD set. Pyrotechnic and amazing interactions between Japan’s finest guitarist and drummer. they’re at a level of complexity and catchiness that makes it really hard for us to believe that these are improvs, and not carefully-thought-out compositions, actually!! But we’re told they’re all improvised, all recorded live at several venues in Japan. sample tracks : 01 KIchijoji Mandala-2 7th May 2007 A,15 Nagoya Tokuzo 9th May 2007 O,16 Kyoto Urbanguild 10th May 2007 P